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Rumors, Stories, & Interviews

  Let me know you what you think or send in a story, double click->  StoryList@candlewater.com

* -> 1) A short interview with Bob Black: 10-21-97
            Recording Kenny Baker's Dry & Dusty album. ( by Jim Moss )

* -> 2) Another short interview with Bob Black: 10-29-97
            Trying out for the Bluegrass Boys ( by Jim Moss )

* -> 3) A short interview with Frank Wakefield: 10-25-97
          ( by Jim Moss )

* -> 4) Grappelly: 12-2-97
          ( by Jim Moss )

* -> 5) A short interview with Jim Peva: 10-20-97
            Stories about Bill Monroe. (by Jim Moss )

* -> 6) A short interview with Frank Wakefield: 1-20-98
           Frank Improves His Mandolin ( by Jim Moss )

 * -> 7) Bill Monroe in Passing:
           Compiled by Frank Godbey

 *-> 8) Jimmy Martin Bigger Than Life 1:
           This is an interview with Jimmy Martin conducted on 7-27-99

 * -> 9) Memories of the Tanyard Recording Sessions:
           By Jim Moss

 * -> 10) Memories of the Through The Windshield Recording Sessions:
           By Jim Moss

* -> 11) Richard Greene Interview Part 1:
           This interview was conducted by Jim Moss over a period between 1998 and 2000.

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   Again, your comments and suggestions are encouraged.

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