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Left to Right: Kenny Baker, Dwight Dillman. 
Denver Colorado (1974)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Dwight Dillman, Randy Davis, 
Bill Monroe, Ralph Lewis. 
Denver Colorado (1974)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Kenny Baker, Dwight Dillman. 
Denver Colorado (1974)
Photo by Jim Moss

This drawing is from the out-house shown below.  I bought this picture from one of Frank Overstreet's friends.. well, at least he was at Frank's camp.  Do I think Bill Monroe actually did this?...  hmmmm... 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left is the out-house from which the above drawing was taken.  This is what Dwight Dillman has replaced with real bathrooms.
Also, added these days are hot showers.
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss


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Any reprinting of text must be approved in writing... which will not be hard to get.
Any use of this material for Bluegrass or folk radio must simply make mention of this
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